Mildly Interesting

iTunes and the iPhone music player display the track times differently. In iTunes, the second number shows the song’s total time. On the iPhone, the second number shows the time remaining.

So for the same song, they show different information, even when they’re both at the same time.

iPhone Music Player

iTunes Music Player

Today was not a good day

Today, I zorched a drive. A drive with a lot of information on it. A drive that wasn’t backed up anywhere. A drive that had my entire Aperture photo library on it.

Yeah, I’m an idiot.

I recovered somethings from the cloud – from Flickr, Facebook, and Apple’s photo stream, but not everything. Particularly all of my original raw files. Which kind of sucks.

I’m still pretty pissed with myself about this one.

But on the bright side, it gives me a good opportunity to rethink my setup. Previously, the library was on an external SATA drive, but because my Time Machine disk uses the same SATA reader, I couldn’t easily back up.

Now, I have the library on my internal drive. I use Aperture’s vaults to back up the library to two different drives. And then I also use Time Machine to back up everything. So now, my entire library is stored in a total of four places–four physically different locations.

So I may have lost a bunch of shit (which I’m unhappy about), but in the end, it probably is better that I redid my system now, before I had even more to potentially fuck up.

Shit happen. That’s life.

The world is full of shitty people.

Sometimes, because of a given situation, you’ll be forced into meeting them. Even worse, you may even have to work with them.

This is inevitable.

And if you haven’t yet met these people, chances are that you’re one of them.


I am finding myself increasingly more and more overwhelmed.

There are too many things that need to be done. And everyone expects me to be putting 100% into everything.

I need to finish up my Eagle Scout Project. I am getting pestered from all sides about this one, and it’s really getting on my nerves. If I had absolutely nothing else to do, I wouldn’t have a problem. But there are other things. Like graduating high school. Getting my IB Diploma. Etc.

I need to start writing my Extended Essay (side note: it will be freaking awesome, because Abraham Lincoln was not a badass, and I can prove it), I need to finish my math exploration sometime soon, and hopefully not fuck it up – because I only get one shot, I need to finish so many things for IB film: finish my movie, write my independent study, prepare my scene analysis, finish cutting a few things for the announcements, write instructions for the graphics, get the Friday show figured out, and so on. And all of this in addition to the normal homework load.

And that’s just school. I also have a lot going on with Ultimate, especially now that I’m in more of a leadership role. The paperwork is a clusterfuck, and sometimes the people are awful too.

As for scouting, I’m working Webelos Weekend again, which is another obligation; there’s also my job at Dietler, and my attempt to stay involved in troop activities. But I’ve been doing more with the Crew, but am still very pressed on time.

Plus all the other normal things that teenagers are having to deal with. Figuring out who I am, what I want to do with my life. The constant fear that I am rapidly approaching adulthood (holy shit, you mean I’m going to have to grow up?). Dealing with friends. Girls. And so on.

Even in this past week, I have been worn thin. School has been brutal: I had to schedule shooting, I did a French test on Monday, I chased down my actors (honestly, how do you just forget about a scheduled shoot?), I failed at setting my friend up with someone else, I finally asked her to prom, my Ultimate team lost, we also put up with one of their players being a total asshat, and I rounded it off with a nice history essay today. Holy fuck I am worn out.

The bottom line: in everyone’s lives, there is a lot going on. You never know what someone else is dealing with. So if they ask you to fuck off, you probably should do so.

And I swear, if anyone so much as considers asking me for help about error bars in excel, there will be hell to pay!

LHS vs. Broomfield

Pictures from the Game:









Interestingly enough, this was a game with the first sense of true conflict/intensity. As Hannah said, it was “real ultimate”

We had to put up with the nonsense of one of their players (and believe me, I want to use words much stronger than just “nonsense”, but I will refrain) who was causing problems. There was disagreement over a call early on (I think it was some marking violation, but I’m not sure) between him and David. David explained his side of things, and how the other person was incorrect. In any other situation, the game would have gone on without a problem. Hell, there was another time where I accidentally fouled someone, and I didn’t protest it. It’s a situation of “oh yeah, I guess you’re right. Great. Let’s move on”. But not in this case. Nope, not at all. Their player decided to take it personally, and it continued to be a problem for the rest of the game.

David, understandably, was pretty pissed off, but did a great job at containing it. The other player did not. There was a lot more argument (this time about the distance that he is allowed to start stall counting at – 10 feet, for the curious), and virtually everyone on the field was in agreement that the broomfield player was wrong. Slightly later, he decides to pull the “Italian Soccer Player” and pretend to get hurt. And nobody fell for his bullshit. Thankfully.


But there was a happy ending! After the game, their captain came over and apologized for his poor sportsmanship, and we all were able to move on from the incident.


I may only be 17 right now, but I have had several moments of “Wow, I’m pretty old”. It’s hard for me to really fully understand the idea that there are in fact people who are younger than me.

I recently celebrated my birthday, and it was then that I realized that I no longer really cared about getting older – it no longer makes much of a difference.

And then I consider how different I was just a few years ago – and how much I’ve changed since then. Today, some friends and I were talking about how different we all were during middle school. Yes, I have changed quite a bit, but I also realize that I am the same person. And that’s the real lesson that I learned recently: In some respects, we are always changing, but in others, we simply are who we are, and we cannot change that.

Very stream of consciousness-y today and all over the place. So future me, when you’re looking back on this, don’t try to read into it too much.