LHS vs. Broomfield

Pictures from the Game:









Interestingly enough, this was a game with the first sense of true conflict/intensity. As Hannah said, it was “real ultimate”

We had to put up with the nonsense of one of their players (and believe me, I want to use words much stronger than just “nonsense”, but I will refrain) who was causing problems. There was disagreement over a call early on (I think it was some marking violation, but I’m not sure) between him and David. David explained his side of things, and how the other person was incorrect. In any other situation, the game would have gone on without a problem. Hell, there was another time where I accidentally fouled someone, and I didn’t protest it. It’s a situation of “oh yeah, I guess you’re right. Great. Let’s move on”. But not in this case. Nope, not at all. Their player decided to take it personally, and it continued to be a problem for the rest of the game.

David, understandably, was pretty pissed off, but did a great job at containing it. The other player did not. There was a lot more argument (this time about the distance that he is allowed to start stall counting at – 10 feet, for the curious), and virtually everyone on the field was in agreement that the broomfield player was wrong. Slightly later, he decides to pull the “Italian Soccer Player” and pretend to get hurt. And nobody fell for his bullshit. Thankfully.


But there was a happy ending! After the game, their captain came over and apologized for his poor sportsmanship, and we all were able to move on from the incident.

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