I Don’t Understand My Generation

Hypothetical scenario: you’re a high school student, who is having some problems with some school work. Specifically, you can’t for the life of you figure out how to properly add error bars showing standard deviation on your graph in Excel. Let’s make things more interesting and also just say that this is happening at 11:30 PM.

So what do you do?

Do you do the sensible thing, and perhaps take approximately 5 minutes to Google the problem and find a solution? Or do you try your luck messaging Ben Pettis at this late hour of the night, and hope that he’ll help?

A shockingly large number of people choose that first option.

Makeshift Lighttable

If you have an iPad, you can easily use it as a Lighttable of sorts. I don’t how useful it is, but its still kind of cool. Ish.

  1. Go to your Settings and turn on guided access. This will allow you to deactivate the touchscreen.


    Comme ça

  2. Go to safari, and go to a blank page. Then, double click the home button, scroll to the left and turn the brightness all the way up.
  3. Triple click the home button to turn on guided access. Turn OFF both touch and motion and then tap start.
  4. Your screen should look like this:
