“It’s all about having fun”

“Winning isn’t everything”
“You’re all winners”
“You’ll all get participation ribbons anyways.”

Bullshit. That’s all a crock of shit. And it’s that type of attitude that is ruining our society.

“Oh, but we don’t want to be hard on anyone. It just wouldn’t be fair.” True, it wouldn’t be fair. And yes, some people might be disappointed. You’re absolutely right. However, we’ve become stuck in this mentality that losing, and that being disappointed, that those are bad things. I disagree completely. While it certainly is a bummer to lose something, think of the inspiration that it can bring.
Sure, you’ll be sad during the moment, but what about once the moment has passed?

You’ll be inspired.
Inspired to work harder.
Inspired to improve yourself.
Inspired to push yourself further.
Inspired to be better.

It’s this type of thinking that drives innovation – a constant strive to do better. All it takes is one person, who may have lost before, saying “No. I will not continue like this. I will do better.” and they will begin to improve themselves.
Conversely, if we just let everyone see themselves as winners, even if they don’t deserve that title, that inspiration is no longer created. People will get used to being recognized, even if they didn’t do anything. They know that regardless of how well they perform, they’ll be rewarded. Thus, they won’t strive for self-improvement, and will live the rest of their lives being completely mediocre, never seeing the potential to be better.

So now we, as a society, have a decision to make. We can continue with this attitude, and avoid a small amount of disappointment, but  raise a generation of completely average and uninspired children. Or, we can opt to allow a small amount of disappointment, with the knowledge that it will inspire a generation of hard-working, determined, and inspired children.

Which choice will you make?

“‘It’s all about having fun’, but winning is really fun.”

One thought on ““It’s all about having fun”

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